About APU

Student Enrolment Data

1. Student Enrollment by Country/Region

Student Enrollment by Country/Region PDF file

< as of November 1, 2024 >

Country or Region Number of
Number of
Number of
Republic of Indonesia 391 19 8 418
Union of Myanmar 397 8 0 405
People's Republic of China 298 22 2 322
Republic of Korea 296 3 8 307
Kingdom of Thailand 228 3 0 231
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 207 13 0 220
People's Republic of Bangladesh 177 17 0 194
India 91 11 1 103
Mongolia 92 4 0 96
Taiwan 76 1 4 81
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 58 3 0 61
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 44 10 0 54
Republic of the Philippines 36 4 0 40
Malaysia 31 1 0 32
Kingdom of Cambodia 16 4 0 20
Islamic Republic of Pakistan 15 4 0 19
Republic of Singapore 9 0 0 9
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 3 0 5
Brunei Darussalam 0 0 4 4
Kingdom of Bhutan 2 0 0 2
Subtotal 2,466 130 27 2,623
Islamic Republic of Iran 1 2 0 3
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 0 2 0 2
Syrian Arab Republic 1 1 0 2
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 0 1 0 1
Republic of Iraq 1 0 0 1
State of Israel 1 0 0 1
Subtotal 4 6 0 10
United Republic of Tanzania 5 8 0 13
Federal Republic of Nigeria 6 4 0 10
Republic of Kenya 8 1 0 9
Republic of Ghana 4 4 0 8
Republic of Liberia 6 2 0 8
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 4 3 0 7
Arab Republic of Egypt 4 1 1 6
Republic of South Africa 6 0 0 6
Kingdom of Morocco 4 1 0 5
Republic of Somalia 4 1 0 5
Republic of Mozambique 1 3 0 4
Republic of Rwanda 4 0 0 4
Republic of Uganda 2 2 0 4
Republic of Cote d'Ivoire 2 1 0 3
Republic of Sierra Leone 3 0 0 3
Republic of The Gambia 2 1 0 3
Republic of Botswana 1 1 0 2
Republic of Malawi 1 1 0 2
Republic of Zimbabwe 2 0 0 2
Burkina Faso 1 0 0 1
Kingdom of Lesotho 1 0 0 1
Republic of Cameroon 0 1 0 1
Republic of Djibouti 0 1 0 1
Kingdom of Eswatini 0 1 0 1
Republic of Madagascar 0 1 0 1
Republic of Namibia 0 1 0 1
Republic of the Sudan 1 0 0 1
Republic of Tunisia 0 0 1 1
Republic of Zambia 1 0 0 1
Subtotal 73 39 2 114
United States of America 46 3 11 60
United Mexican States 8 1 0 9
Canada 6 0 2 8
Federative Republic of Brazil 6 0 0 6
Republic of Colombia 3 0 0 3
Republic of Peru 1 0 2 3
Argentine Republic 0 1 1 2
Plurinational State of Bolivia 2 0 0 2
Republic of Chile 2 0 0 2
Republic of Panama 2 0 0 2
Republic of Paraguay 2 0 0 2
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 1 0 0 1
Republic of Costa Rica 1 0 0 1
Republic of Ecuador 1 0 0 1
Republic of Nicaragua 0 1 0 1
Subtotal 81 6 16 103
Independent State of Samoa 6 2 0 8
Republic of the Fiji Islands 4 2 0 6
Independent State of Papua New Guinea 2 3 0 5
Solomon Islands 2 2 0 4
Republic of Palau 3 0 0 3
Australia 2 0 0 2
Kingdom of Tonga 1 1 0 2
Federated States of Micronesia 1 0 0 1
New Zealand 1 0 0 1
Subtotal 22 10 0 32
French Republic 27 1 10 38
Republic of Uzbekistan 33 1 0 34
United Kingdom 7 0 7 14
Republic of Italy 4 4 3 11
Federal Republic of Germany 4 0 6 10
Kingdom of Sweden 5 0 3 8
Republic of Tajikistan 0 8 0 8
Kingdom of the Netherlands 5 1 1 7
Czech Republic 3 0 3 6
Kingdom of Norway 3 0 3 6
Republic of Austria 3 0 3 6
Republic of Finland 3 0 3 6
Republic of Kazakhstan 4 1 0 5
Russian Federation 2 1 2 5
Swiss Confederation 0 0 5 5
Ukraine 4 0 1 5
Kyrgyz Republic 1 3 0 4
Romania 0 0 3 3
Hungary 1 0 1 2
Kingdom of Belgium 1 0 1 2
Kingdom of Denmark 2 0 0 2
Republic of Belarus 1 0 1 2
Republic of Latvia 2 0 0 2
Republic of Lithuania 0 0 2 2
Georgia 1 0 0 1
Ireland 0 0 1 1
Republic of Azerbaijan 0 0 1 1
Republic of Bulgaria 1 0 0 1
Republic of Moldova 0 1 0 1
Republic of Serbia 0 0 1 1
Spain 0 0 1 1
Turkmenistan 1 0 0 1
Subtotal 118 21 62 201
Stateless/Other 0 1 0 1
Subtotal 0 1 0 1
International Students 2,764 213 107 3,084
Domestic Students 3,162 8 26 3,196
Total 5,926 221 133 6,280


  1. The term "International Students" denotes those students who possess a "student visa".
    The term "Domestic Students" includes international students with non-Japanese nationality possessing residential status in Japan other than "student visa".
  2. "Number of Non-degree Students" includes non-degree students, special auditing students.

2. Student Enrollment by College, Graduate School and Year

Student Enrollment by College, Graduate School and Year PDF file

< as of November 1, 2024 >*Regular students only

College 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year+ Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
College of Asia Pacific Studies 199 333 200 312 275 420 228 427 43 27 945 1,519
532 512 695 655 70 2,464
College of International Management 376 265 365 326 387 298 373 288 50 12 1,551 1,189
641 691 685 661 62 2,740
College of Sustainability and Tourism 137 233 151 201 288 434
370 352 722
Subtotal 712 831 716 839 662 718 601 715 93 39 2,784 3,142
total 1,543 1,555 1,380 1,316 132 5,926
Program / Year
Graduate School Master's Program Doctoral Program

1st year 2nd year 3rd year+ 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year+ Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies 30 28 33 17 4 2 2 4 4 2 5 3 5 78 61
58 50 6 6 4 7 8 139
114 25
Graduate School of Management 24 16 19 17 5 1 48 34
40 36 6 82
Subtotal 54 44 52 34 9 3 2 4 4 0 2 5 3 5 126 95
Total 98 86 12 6 4 7 8 221
196 25

(Note)Regular students only.

3. Number of International and Domestic Students

Number of International and Domestic Students

< as of November 1, 2024 >

International Students Domestic Students Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female
College of Asia Pacific Studies 380 520 565 999 945 1,519
900 1,564 2,464
College of International Management 850 715 701 474 1,551 1,189
1,565 1,175 2,740
College of Sustainability and Tourism 135 164 153 270 288 434
299 423 722
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Master's Program 64 46 3 1 67 47
110 4 114
Doctoral Program 11 12 2 11 14
23 2 25
Graduate School of Management 47 33 1 1 48 34
80 2 82
Subtotal 1,487 1,490 1,423 1,747 2,910 3,237
Total 2,977 3,170 6,147

(Note) Regular students only.

4. Domestic Students: Number of Students by Prefecture of High School

Domestic Students: Number of Students by Prefecture of High School

< as of May 1, 2024 >

Prefecture Number of Students Ratio
Hokkaido 112 3.5%
Hokkaido 112
Tohoku 41 1.3%
Fukushima 12
Aomori 10
Miyagi 9
Yamagata 8
Iwate 1
Akita 1
Kanto 869 26.8%
Tokyo 473
Kanagawa 177
Saitama 63
Chiba 88
Ibaraki 36
Gunma 21
Tochigi 11
Koshinetsu 51 1.6%
Nagano 26
Yamanashi 16
Niigata 9
Hokuriku 22 0.7%
Toyama 10
Ishikawa 7
Fukui 5
Tokai 188 5.8%
Aichi 112
Shizuoka 36
Gifu 24
Mie 16
Kinki 549 16.9%
Osaka 206
Kyoto 160
Hyogo 96
Nara 38
Shiga 35
Wakayama 14
Shikoku 35 1.1%
Ehime 12
Kagawa 11
Kochi 6
Tokushima 6
Chugoku 100 3.1%
Hiroshima 44
Yamaguchi 24
Okayama 17
Shimane 11
Tottori 4
Kyushu and Okinawa 1001 30.9%
Fukuoka 385
Oita 282
Okinawa 84
Kumamoto 73
Kagoshima 47
Miyazaki 46
Saga 44
Nagano 40
Others 275 8.3%
Vocational Schools, Certification etc. 66
International Schools and Foreign Educational Institutions 209
Total 3243

*Regular undergraduate students only