Notes from the President

My message to new APU graduates (Fall 2024 Graduation Ceremony)

Sep 13, 2024

Congratulatory Message

Distinguished Guests, Faculty, Families, and Graduates,

Today, we gather to celebrate a significant milestone in your lives. As graduates of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, you stand at the threshold of a world that is both challenging and full of opportunities. Over the past few years, we have witnessed events that have reshaped our global landscape, and it is within this context that you will begin your journey.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has taught us the importance of resilience and adaptability. It has shown us that in the face of unprecedented challenges, we can innovate and find new ways to connect, learn, and grow. As you step into the world, remember the lessons of this time: the value of health, the power of human connections, and the necessity of flexibility.

Military Conflicts, such as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the conflict in Gaza, have had severe humanitarian and economic consequences. These conflicts have resulted in loss of life, displacement of millions of innocent citizens, and destruction of infrastructure. Economically, they have disrupted global supply chains, particularly in the energy and food sectors, leading to increased prices and inflation. Politically, these conflicts have reshaped alliances and heightened geopolitical tensions.

The Decline of Democratic Principles and Institutions globally has underscored the need for vigilance in protecting our freedoms and rights. It is a call to action for all of us to engage in our communities, advocate for justice, and uphold the values of democracy. Your education at APU has prepared you to be leaders who can navigate these complexities with integrity and purpose.

At APU, we believe in the ideals of Freedom, Peace, and Humanity. We strive to cultivate global citizens who understand and accept cultural and historical differences and who are committed to building a peaceful world. Your time here has immersed you in a multicultural environment, fostering international mutual understanding and preparing you to shape the future of the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

As you embark on your next chapter, I encourage you to:

Embrace Diversity: Use your experiences at APU to bridge cultural divides and foster mutual respect and understanding.
Pursue Lifelong Learning: Continue to seek knowledge and growth, adapting to the ever-changing world around you.
Act with Integrity: Uphold the values of justice, democracy, and human dignity in all your endeavors.
Innovate and Lead: Be bold in your ideas and actions, driving positive change in your communities and industries.

Graduates, you have the power to change the world. The challenges we face today are opportunities for you to make a difference. As you leave APU, carry with you the spirit of our university and the mission to create a better, more inclusive, and peaceful world.

Congratulations, Class of Fall 2024! We are immensely proud of you and excited to see the incredible impact you will make.

Thank you.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
September 13, 2024

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