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Sep 19, 2012
3rd President KORENAGA Shun
Bright futures lie ahead for all of you, but I would like you to take this opportunity to remember the basic ideals of APU. Japan is home to almost 800 universities, 80% of which are private institutions. While national universities are established based on the policies of the state, private universities are founded on their own principles. APU's mission of "Freedom, Peace and Humanity" is a human ideal that, now more than ever, society must strive to achieve. Resolving various conflicts through dialogue is the path that humankind should follow for the sake of peace. Having experienced a tragic history of war and violence in the 20th century, humankind can commit no greater folly than to use violence and force to settle a dispute. APU was also opened to create the future shape of the Asia Pacific and to promote international mutual understanding. I ask that you hold dear all of these ideals as you create a new future for the Asia Pacific.
A recent article in the Nikkei Newspaper carried a list of universities ranked by Japan's major companies as notable schools with excellent track records in human resources development. Akita International University ranked first, followed by the University of Tokyo in second, APU in third, Waseda University in fourth and Keio University in fifth. Understand that the spotlight is on all of you who graduate from APU. Go out and lead amazing lives. We pray for your success.
News article for the 2012 APU Fall Graduation Ceremony