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Universities are expected to provide the outcomes of their research to society, that is, to cooperate with and contribute to society and the local community. The APU2030 Vision states that APU will “strengthen ties with its invaluable stakeholders, from the local community to alumni around the world, working together to design the University and its educational programs” in order to cultivate “APU graduates who possess the power the change the world.” Based on these concepts and aiming to achieve APU’s basic ideals of “Freedom, Peace, and Humanity”, “International Mutual Understanding”, and “Future Shape of the Asia Pacific,” we hereby stipulate the following mission statement for social outreach and regional partnerships, and we will pursue initiatives that will promote the mutual growth of the university and society through the interactions of the two.
“APU will create Global Learning Communities by feeding the outcomes of its education and research back into society and the community in collaboration with those people involved with APU.”