1. AP House
  2. AP House Moving-in

Guide on what to do prior to moving into AP House

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The following information is very important for students who will be moving into AP House.
Please be sure to read all the information carefully before preparing to move in.

1. AP House Moving-in information

2. AP House Usage Rules

Please be sure to check the AP House Usage Rules as they are very important when moving into AP House.
After moving in, you will be requested to submit a written pledge.

3. AP House Mission and Values, and Competencies

* Please click on the photos to a picture to enlarge it.

4. Floor Meetings, KD (Kitchen Duty) For residents at AP House 1-2, 5

Floor Meetings

Floor Meetings

Once a month each floor has a Floor Meeting; the aim is to enable information exchange between AP House residents and the university, while also providing information necessary to live as a member of AP House and the local community. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to reaffirm AP House rules. Attending the Floor Meetings is compulsory for all AP House residents.

AP House community life workshop

AP House community life workshop

Whether living your life at AP House or in the community, you are required to understand the rules and regulations, and to figure out on your own how you should act. You will learn what you need to know to live as a citizen of Japan and of Beppu City, and develop skills essential to leading your life as a member of the community.

KD(Kitchen Duty)

KD(Kitchen Duty)

The communal kitchens are cleaned daily by two to three students from each floor on a rotating basis. In addition to learning how to keep your living environment hygienic, KD also helps build a relationship of trust with those around you, as you take on your role as a resident of AP House in cooperating to create a comfortable living environment.

5. What you need to know when living at AP House: About Japanese Law, AP House Rules

Japanese Law, AP House Rules

6. Moving-in date registration, and Registration for Arrival Assistance Service

As soon as you have decided on the schedule to move in, please register it here, all AP House residents are required to register their move-in date. (move-in date and Arrival Assistance Service.)

*All AP House residents must register the move-in date.


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