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V. Absences Authorized by the University

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(1) Purpose of the System

This system aims to support students who are active both inside and outside the classroom by authorizing absences for activities that meet the requirements in (3). The activities must be deemed to be as beneficial as time spent in class and may only be used for activities that conflict with class time.
However, it is ultimately up to each individual professor to decide how to count the absence.

(2) Eligible Activities

In principle, this system is only eligible for activities of registered organizations that complete the designated application process at the Outreach and Research Office.

(3) Cases Eligible for Consideration under the Policy for Authorized Absences

  • 1. Participation in international events, All-Japan national events, or other qualifying tournaments. (regional tournaments, prefectural tournaments, etc.)
  • 2. When requested by the University to participate in an activity. (University exchange events, local exchange events, etc.)
  • 3. Other activities deemed to be equivalent to the above.

(4) How to Apply

1. Submit an application to the Outreach and Research Office as soon as you know the event schedule.

  • (1) Attach a document that outlines the details of the event to the form.
  • (2) Select “Apply” to the question that asks if you will be applying for a university-authorized leave of absence.
  • (3) Attach Form 48 Application for Absence from Class Due to Extra-curricular Activities.
  • *NOTE: Applications must be submitted 10 business days before the event. Please note that the Outreach and Research Office will reject applications that lack the information needed to make a decision even if they are submitted before this deadline. We strongly recommend that you submit your application as soon as you know the event dates.

2. If the application is approved, all event participants must submit the following documents to the Outreach and Research Office as soon as possible.

  • (1) A copy of their course registration confirmation screen (Download from Campus Terminal and highlight the subjects that you will be absent from.)
  • (2) Form 49 “Request for Absence from Class due to Extra-curricular activities”(Participants must fill out this document for all of the classes they will be missing.)

3. The Outreach and Research Office will check the documents and, if complete, the officer will stamp the office seal on all of the Form 49 documents submitted.

4. The students must then submit Form 49 to each instructor. Each instructor will decide whether or not to approve their absence.

5. Please submit the “Report of Off-Campus Event Hosted by Non-APU Organizations” to the Online Application System (WaWa Office) regardless of whether your absence will be officially recognized or not.

You will need to submit this report to your instructors if they decide to approve your absence.

  • *Submitting this report does not ensure that your absence will be approved. The final decision to approve your absence will be left to the discretion of each instructor.
  • *Clubs/circles that apply for approval must complete each procedure as quickly as possible.
    Please be aware that even if the application paperwork is submitted 10 days prior to the event, the Outreach and Research Office will not stamp the form to be submitted to instructors if the clubs/circles do not promptly submit the other required documents.

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