Subsidies for student organizations for their extracurricular activities
I. Subsidies for student organizations for their extracurricular activities
Clubs and circles can receive a subsidy of up to 200,000 yen for a single academic year after being evaluated. Click here for details.
All student organizations registered with the University can apply for the following system and receive financial support from the University.
Event & Project Support System Type A: Type A: Autonomous Events
An event or activity for the first time and requires financial assistance may receive up to 30,000 yen of financial support. There are approximately 10 subsidies available each semester. Click here for details. -
Event & Project Support System Type B: Selected Projects
Unique and outstanding projects can receive up to 500,000 yen of financial support. Click here for details. -
Incentive scholarships for self-motivated students
The incentive system awards all the student organizations that have registered with the university and individuals that have displayed exceptional performance in their activities. Selected organizations will not receive a subsidy but will be awarded an incentive (Organizations: 100,000 yen, individuals: 50,000 yen). Applications open in June.
Click here for details.
II. Procedures for Subsidy for Clubs and Circles
1. Subsidy application procedures
- The Outreach and Research Office contacts all the clubs and circles in regards to subsidy applications for the coming academic year (April to March) in December every year.
- Organizations need to submit a subsidy application through the online registration system by the specified deadline.
- Provide a detailed explanation of each item based on past expenses or cost estimates (provide details in the remarks column).
- After careful consideration, provide a detailed explanation of the necessity and effect of the subsidy. The Outreach and Research Office will decline applications that state only, "Decrease financial burden of organization and its members."
- After the application is completed, the Student Affairs Committee will decide the items to be subsidized and the subsidy amount. There is a cap on the number of organizations that can receive the subsidy.
- Reference: Application Information for AY 2025(Application for AY2025 subsidy was closed.)
2. Procedures for subsidy use for individual expenditures
- < Expenditures for events and off-campus activities >
Before events or off-campus activities
Complete the activity registration through the online registration system a minimum of two weeks before the off-campus activity or event. Your organization must receive approval by the Outreach and Research Office.
When registering, organizations approved for subsidy must select “Basic Activity Support" or “Activities that Contribute to Society/APU Community” in the section "Type of University Subsidy” and indicate the subsidy your organization will be receiving. -
After event or off-campus activities
Submit the report through the online registration system within two weeks after the event or off-campus activity. Your organization must receive approval by the Outreach and Research Office.
After the Outreach and Research Office approves the activity report, submit the "Subsidy Procedure (Off-campus activity or Event)" through the online registration system within two weeks. In addition, a scanned copy of the receipt should be made into a PDF and uploaded in the 添付ファイルfield (attachment). (see below for receipt requirements).
In the "SNS Report" section, use the following format to create SNS reporting data in Japanese and English, and share a link of its editable version after making it.
The subsidy will be transferred to the organization’s registered bank account after the Outreach and Research Office approves the “Subsidy Procedure (Off-campus activity or Event).”
- < Expenses related to equipment and other expenditures >
Before purchasing equipment, etc.
Subsidies exceeding the estimated amount in the subsidy application will not be subsidized. Confirm the actual product when submitting a subsidy application. -
After purchasing equipment, etc.
Submit the "Subsidy application (equipment and other expenditures)" on the online registration system within two weeks of purchasing the equipment. In addition, a scanned copy of the receipt should be made into a PDF and uploaded in the 添付ファイルfield (attachment). (see below for receipt requirements).In the "SNS Report" section, use the following format to create SNS reporting data in Japanese and English, and share a link of its editable version after making it.
The subsidy will be transferred to the organization’s registered bank account after the Outreach and Research Office approves the “Subsidy Procedure (equipment and other expenditures).”
III. Receipts
When purchasing items that have been approved for subsidy use, be sure to receive a receipt that lists the names of the items purchased, the number of items purchased, and the unit price. As a general rule, receipts that only show the total amount paid and do not list the specific items purchased will not be accepted.
- (1) Itemized Receipts
- Name on receipt
*If you received a paper receipt
If there is a space on the receipt where the business issuing the receipt can make it out to the university, have them make it out to either 「立命館アジア太平洋大学」 or “Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.” Receipts that are written out to “customer,” the student organization, or “APU” are ineligible for reimbursement. -
*If you received an electronic receipt
Submit the receipt to the office as is (no action required).
*If you received a paper receipt
Receipts must be submitted to the office digitally
①Scan/take a photo of the receipt in color.
*When taking a photo, ensure that all text can be clearly read. - ②Save the file as a PDF.
*Only PDF files are accepted. All other file types (PNG, JPG, HEIF/HEIC, etc.) will not be accepted. - ③Submit the receipt to the office using the specified method.
*Subsidy for clubs and circles: Refer to section 2 above
*Projects and other subsidies: Submit using the specified method for each project, etc.
①Scan/take a photo of the receipt in color.
Items purchased through Amazon
- ①Go to the “Your Orders” page and click on “Invoice” for the relevant order
- ②Download the “Tax Invoice” and save it as a PDF
- ③Download the “Invoice” and save it as a PDF
- ④Submit the documents to the office using the specified method
*Subsidy for clubs and circles: Refer to section 2 above
*Projects and other subsidies: Submit using the specified method for each project, etc.
Storing receipts
In principle, receipts should be submitted digitally. However, in some cases it may be necessary to submit the original receipts after your initial submission.
Please make sure to keep all original receipts until APU has transferred the subsidy amount to the designated bank account.
- Name on receipt
- (2) Formal Receipts (ryoshusho)
Follow the instructions below if a business is only able to issue you a formal receipt (ryoshusho) instead of an itemized receipt.
Name Receipts should be made out to 「立命館アジア太平洋大学」or “Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University”
NOTE* Receipts made out to “APU” or “Ritsumeikan” are ineligibleStamp of the Issuer The receipt should be stamped by the issuer
Amount and purchased items The monetary amount and the purchased items should be clearly stated.
Notes on the Reverse Side - 1. Date of purchase
- 2. Items, unit value x quantity, purpose of the purchase, (Departure and arrival places in the case of travel expenses)
- 3. Formal student organization’s Name
Bank account name (organization name),
position (Representative or Accountant), name, and student ID number of the member whose name is on their organization’s bankbook.
APU Japanese culture club, Accountant JUMON Shoko, 12345678 - 5. Inkan (Seal) or signature of the member whose name is on their organization’s bankbook.
Revenue Stamp(Shunyuinshi) Necessary for amounts of over 50,000yen
Correction Corrections should be stamped by the issuer.
- (3) Receipts Issued Overseas (English speaking countries)
- The word “Receipt” should be written on the front side.
- “Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University” must be clearly written on the receipt. “APU” is not acceptable.
- There must be a stamp or signature of the issuer.
- *On the reverse side (uragaki), please write the exchange rate of the local currency if not in Japanese yen or attach a table of currency exchange rates.
- (4) Receipts Issued Overseas (non-English speaking countries)
- If you cannot obtain receipts in English, you must provide a translation. Make certain that the receipts are made out TO: “Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University” in English not in the local language.
- *On the reverse side (uragaki), please write the exchange rate of the local currency if not in Japanese yen or attach a table of currency exchange rates.
IV. Bank account for receiving the subsidy payment
Subsidies will only be transferred into the organization’s bank account. (Open the bank account with the Organization’s Name + Representative/Accountant + Individual Name) *[Sample] APU Shakespeare Club, Accountant JUMON Shoko
You must change the name on the account if the member who opened the account graduates or leaves the club. Do this at the bank, and update the registration at the Outreach and Research Office. *As you need the club member who opened the account to do most transactions, be sure to change the account name before the current member leaves.
Before APU transfers the subsidy amount to your organization’s bank account, you must send a scan of the bank book page showing the account name and number to APU.
After APU has received all the information needed for the bank transfer, it will take around 2 to 4 weeks for the payment to arrive in your organization’s bank account.