1. Scholarships / Tuition Fees
  2. Scholarships for Domestic Students

Information for JASSO Grant/Loan-Type Scholarship Recipients

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To JASSO Scholars:

The JASSO Grant/Loan-Type Scholarship is for students expected to graduate in four years - the shortest period of study.
Your scholarship will be revoked if you do not earn enough credits to graduate in a 4-year period.
Create a study plan that will ensure you graduate in four years and apply yourself to your studies.

  • Procedures and forms: click here

  • Eligibility Approval here

  • FAQ: click here

  • JASSO Website: click here

  • Loan-type scholarship for study abroad: click here

JASSO Grant/Loan-Type Scholarship AY2024 Calendar

Month Guidance Session / Procedures
Grant-Type Loan-Type
April Report of Attendance
*Recipients recruited in AY2024 is not applicable.
August Submit the Application for Continuing Tuition Reduction  
August-September Eligibility Assessment (Family finances)  
October Start of Fall Recruitment*
Report of Attendance
*The Application for Continuing Tuition Reduction” must be answered within the ‘Report of Attendance
Start of Fall Recruitment
December-February Submit the Application for Continuing Scholarship (Grant-Type)
*Discontinued from 2024
Submit the Application for Continuing Scholarship (Loan-Type)
March Eligibility Assessment (Academics)* Eligibility Assessment (Academics)*
If you wish to apply for an additional JASSO domestic scholarship in the next academic year, please check the application procedure on the Student Office website.
*Details will be updated in mid-March every year

  • October Fall Recruitment: JASSO does not necessarily recruit students every fall.
  • March: Eligibility Assessment (Academics). Grant-Type Scholarship Recipients of Fall semester enrollees have this in September.
  • will be assessed in September.

Schedule of scholarship transfer for AY2024

Month Date of transfer
April April 19
May May 16
June June 11
July July 11
August August 9
September September 11
October October 11
November November 11
December December 11
January January 10
February February 10
March March 11

In principle, scholarship payment will be transferred on the 11th of each month (except the 21st in April and the 16th in May).

* If the transfer date falls on a national holiday (Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday), the transfer will be made on the business day preceding the holiday.

  • For the 2024 academic year, the April payment will be transferred on April 19, and the May payment on May 16.
  • The transfer dates for Grant-type and Loan-type scholarship are the same.
  • The March payment will be transferred on February 9 together with the February payment for the year in which the scholarship ends.
  • In some cases, such as the initial transfer at the time of scholarship adoption, multiple monthly payments may be transferred at the same time.

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