In February 2015, members of an APU student organization KOKOKARA, drawing on their experiences visiting Fukushima Prefecture, began to work on a student activity with the aim of promoting the importance of being aware of the many diverse problems and issues in the world. For this event, Professor HAYANO Ryugo (Professor, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo) has been invited to come to APU to present a lecture in English and to participate in a discussion with APU students.
Date and time: | Saturday, June 27, 11:00-16:30 |
Place: | Convention Hall (Building A, 2F), Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University |
Participants: | APU Students |
Language: | English |
【Event Schedule】
Introductory lecture for participants by the student organization KOKOKARA.
This introductory lecture will be a summary report about KOKOKARA's Fukushima Study Tour and Fukushima Prefecture. Questions about the role of APU will be raised in preparation for the lecture and discussion in the second half.
Lecture by Professor HAYANO (simultaneous interpretation provided)
Lecture on the importance of "Knowing What to Know" when considering the many different facets of problems in real-world issues, using Fukushima Prefecture as an example.
Panel discussion with Professor HAYANO and APU students.
This will consider the importance of knowledge through a discussion between APU students and Professor HAYANO on how to view conflicting information, using Fukushima Prefecture and other topics. Through the process of discussion, we hope highlight how Fukushima is viewed overseas, and look for ways to reach a resolution. We plan on having approximately 10 APU students participate in the discussion.
* This event is intended for the APU community; members of the general public may not attend. Thank you for your cooperation.