APU's Annual “Multicultural Week” Showcases seven Unique Events


Aug 21, 2024

From May to July 2024, APU held its annual cultural event, "Multicultural Week." This unique event, made possible by APU's diverse student body representing over 100 countries and regions, allows students to spotlight a specific country or region and showcase its appeal on campus. Student groups focusing on each country or region prepare diligently, showcasing their traditional and culinary cultures over a week-long period. During this time, there will be fun activities featuring traditional costumes, languages, dances, and sports.

The Multicultural Week for the Spring 2024 semester lasted for seven weeks, highlighting the cultures of 6 different countries and regions, along with Rainbow Week that celebrated diversity.

Multicultural Week is entirely organized by students, from recruiting participants to planning, execution, and fundraising. Some students participate in organizing the week dedicated to their home country, while others, regardless of their nationality, get involved in organizing the week for a country they have an affinity for. It is an event where diverse students come together as one, embodying the spirit of diversity and inclusion at APU.

2024 Spring Semester Schedule:
May 6th (Mon) to May 10th (Fri): Philippines Week
June 10th (Mon) to June 14th (Fri): Bangladesh Week
June 17th (Mon) to June 21th (Fri): Thai Week
June 24th (Mon) to June 28th (Fri): Rainbow Week
July 1st (Mon) to July 5th (Fri): Oceania Week
July 8th (Mon) to July 12th (Fri): Chinese Week
July 15h (Mon) to July 18th (Thu): Vietnamese Week

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