1. Extracurricular Activities
  2. Event & Project Support A・B・C

Type C: Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Project

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Type C: Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Project

Type C: Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Project

Enterprise and NPOs Co-create projects are projects that APU students work with companies, NPOs, or APU. APU receives offers from companies and nonprofit organizations that would like to do projects in collaboration with APU students. Among those offers, the University will select projects that can apply students' ideas effectively and will help students develop. The University then extends those offers to interested students.
Students will work in collaboration with a company or an NPO. However, students will apply for this project voluntarily which means that students are required to plan and implement the events autonomously. Additionally, students will have training and feedback sessions and are required to make public presentations.

AY 2023: Student Voices Project

AY2023 <APU × Beppu Onsen SUGINOI Hotel Powered by ORIX Real Estate>
Practical Learning Project: Learn, think, and create with professionals. Multi-Cultural Festival in SUGINOI Hotel Promotion Project

We’re looking for students interested in working with Suginoi Hotel staff to plan and implement an event that will showcase cultures from countries around the world. The event will be held at Suginoi Hotel in December.

Students who took “Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) JE” and “Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) JH” in the 1st quarter of Spring Semester used the instruction they received on event management from Orix Real Estate and Suginoi Hotel professionals to create a proposal for an event that will be held at Suginoi Hotel. In this Project C, project members will be responsible for further fleshing out and refining the event proposal as well as implementing the event. Students who took the aforementioned courses will be appointed as project members, however, we are currently recruiting additional students interested in being actively involved in the management of this event.

The final event proposal will be presented in front of the directors and executives of Suginoi Hotel and ORIX Hotel Management in September and project members will begin event preparations in fall semester once the proposal has been approved. Project members will implement the event at Suginoi Hotel on December 9 (Sat) and 10 (Sunday).

This is a business project that allows students to work together with hospitality professionals on an entertainment event for hotel guests from the initial planning stages until the very end. If you’re interested in fully immersing yourself in this unique learning experience or are confident in your ability to work well on a tight schedule, then this project is for you! Please apply if you want to reap the benefits and growth this experience is sure to inspire!

Please note that all lectures and communication with Suginoi Hotel will be conducted in Japanese. Applicants must be able to communicate in Japanese, understand the lecture content and materials, and be able to respond in Japanese on the spot.

  • Application deadline: June 8 (Thurs.), 10am

  • Notice of screening results/interview information: June 9 (Fri.)

  • Online Interviews: June 12 (Mon.) – 14 (Wed.)

Refer to the application guidelines and the application form for further details (Japanese only).

  • Please view last year’s Multicultural Festival 2022 recruiting information and video on the websites below to ensure that you fully understand the objectives of this event before applying.
    Project members selected during this recruitment period will be participating in the project halfway through. Please be aware that this year’s event (management style, etc.) will be different than last year.
  • Interested students are encouraged to look over the Special Lecture (Common Liberal Arts Subject) JE and Special Lecture (Common Liberal Arts Subject) JH syllabus prior to applying.

Project Member Recruitment for Multicultural Festival 2022 in Suginoi Hotel Promotion Project

AY2021 Educational Video Production Project for APU Students

As a project organized by the Outreach and Research Office, the "Educational Video Production Project for APU Students" was implemented to enrich the lives of APU students. This project aims to foster interactive human relationships through various social contribution activities conducted by students using the concept of service-learning and helps students improve their citizenship and social skills and their problem-solving and practical teamwork skills.
"Smoking Manners at APU" and " Basic Manners of Living Environment" were themes that each team decided on their own. The students created educational videos on their smartphones from students' perspectives and aimed at students. Most of the participating students had no previous experience making videos. However, thanks to Douga-tec, who gave advice and held workshops on basic techniques, they could create their videos in a short period of time. Douga-tec was established by an APU alumni who is also involved in making educational video content. Please click the links below to view the videos from each team.

AY2021 Educational Video Production Project for APU Students
AY2021 Educational Video Production Project for APU Students

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