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Secrets to Achieving the Best Study Abroad Experience – Did I Become a Completely Different Person?!

3 min read

Bonjour! I am currently on an exchange program in the town of Le Havre, France. When people hear about studying in France, they might think, “Can you speak French? Do you speak English fluently?” However, when I started my exchange program, my French language skills were zero! I could read and write in English, but I couldn’t understand or speak it well. Here are two secrets that helped me achieve the best study abroad experience.

Secret 1: Challenge Yourself with What You Fear the Most

Since I arrived in France later than expected, on the first day of school, I didn’t know anyone while my classmates already knew each other. Being very shy, I wondered where to sit and how to start a conversation. Even after sitting down, no one talked to me for an hour, and soon it was break time. Seeing everyone leaving the classroom saying, “Let’s talk on the terrace,” I knew I couldn’t stay like this, so I desperately followed them. Speaking was my weakest skill, and I was anxious about whether people would understand my self-introduction. But once I introduced myself, they asked, “I’d like to visit Japan! Which area do you recommend?” We had a great time discussing our hobbies. Every time I recall those wonderful moments with great friends, I’m glad I had the courage then. Additionally, I regularly ask my friends, “Can you understand my English?” At the beginning of my exchange program, when I was insecure about my English skills, I often heard, “Honestly, it’s half and half.” But now, they say they can understand me, and I ask them to boost my confidence. Challenging what you fear or feel anxious about is very difficult, but I believe it is the only way to grow.

Full of Expectations and Anxiety Before Departure

Full of Expectations and Anxiety Before Departure

Secret 2: Seize the Maximum Opportunities You Can Obtain

I am studying at a business school with many professors who have global business experience. So, I take notes of all their knowledge and insights, not just during class. This information and their perspectives can only be gained here. During class discussions, I also receive stimuli I wouldn’t have gotten if I hadn’t met my multinational classmates, mainly from European countries. Additionally, since I came to France with zero French skills, I began learning French on my own because local people in places like supermarkets didn’t understand or respond to English. Every Tuesday, I practiced with a bakery owner, who taught me new words and correct pronunciations each time. When you study abroad, there are countless opportunities that you can’t get in Japan. Seizing all these opportunities enriches your study abroad life. I strongly feel I don’t want to waste any of the maximum opportunities I can get here now.

At Normandie,My Study Abroad Destination

At Normandie,My Study Abroad Destination


Among those reading this article, I believe many are about to study abroad or are interested in it. If you remember the two secrets I introduced, you will surely grow and achieve the best study abroad experience for yourself.

Sakaguchi Sora
Sakaguchi Sora

Bonjour! I'm Sora, a third-year student majoring in APM at APU. Since fall 2023, I've been studying abroad in France for a year. By sharing my experiences as an APU student and my study abroad experiences, I aim to convey the allure of international exchange to everyone.

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