Student Life

Policies and Resources Regarding Sexual and Gender Diversity

Policy Statement on Sexual and Gender Diversity

APU respects sexual and gender diversity as part of its commitment to human rights. APU aims to create an environment in which people of any sexual orientation and gender identity are able to study and live with the security of knowing that their human rights are fully protected, that they will be treated fairly, and that they need not suffer any discomfort or pain as a consequence of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Information and Resources for LGBT+ Students at APU *

* The term LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and people of all other sexual orientations and gender identities.

Gender Specifications on Official University Certificates

There are no gender specifications on any of the official certificates (Transcript of Academic Record, Certificate of Registration, etc.) issued by APU.

Changes to Registered Information (Name/Gender)

Transgender students may apply to change their first/middle name and/or gender registered with the University even if their first/middle name and/or gender have not been legally changed on official documents (family register, etc.). There are certain conditions that must be satisfied in order to be eligible to apply. Students interested in applying should first speak with one of the LGBT+ Liaison Officers below.


Name Change on University-Issued Certificates for Alumni Who Have Changed Their Name After Graduating

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University will issue certificates in the current name for alumni who have officially changed their name post-graduation. Please send an email to the Certificates Department of the Student Office ( for further information on the necessary procedures.


Health Checkups and Facility Use during Overnight Programs

In accordance with the School Health and Safety Act, students at APU are required to have a health checkup once a year. During the checkup, students will be led to changing rooms which are divided into male and female. In addition, there are some overnight programs hosted by APU in which students use shared rooms and baths which are divided into male and female. If you would like to make a specific request regarding the use of these facilities, please consult with the LGBT+ Liaison Officer(s) listed below or with a staff member who is in charge of the program or service in each office.

Life in AP House

The rooms in AP House are on three types of floors: male, female, and mixed gender floors (floors for students of any gender). If you are concerned about the floor you will be/were assigned to live on or about your life in AP House, please consult with the LGBT+ Liaison Officer(s) listed below or a staff member in AP House. Prospective students can have consultations as well. It is strongly recommended to make inquiries as early as possible due to the limited number of rooms available at AP House.

Use of Restrooms

APU has unisex toilets which are single-stall toilets that can be used by anyone regardless of their gender. Currently, the signs outside of these toilets are the wheelchair accessible signs. However, these can be used by anyone regardless of whether they have any disabilities or not. The signs are scheduled to be changed in the future.

Locations of Unisex Toilets
Building B II, E and F II: One on each floor
Building H: None
Other Buildings: One on the first floor

Changing Rooms and Shower Stalls in the Gymnasium

The changing rooms and shower stalls in the gymnasium are divided into male and female. The shower stalls are located at the back of the changing rooms and can be closed off by a curtain.

Anyone can use the changing board to change inside the unisex toilet in the gymnasium. However, there is no shower installed inside.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding life at APU as an LGBT+ student, please contact the LGBT+ Liaison Officers in the Student Office.
Although the LGBT+ Liaison Officers are not specialists on sexual and gender diversity, they are available to listen to any LGBT+-related concerns or problems you may have and can explain what support the university can provide to you. When necessary, they can work with other offices or related parties to resolve such issues. Additionally, you are free to discuss any concerns you have about university programs, services, or the overall campus and academic environment.

If you wish to meet with an LGBT+ Liaison Officer, please make an appointment by email or phone beforehand. In your email, please include several dates and times that you are available to meet. Prospective students can also meet or correspond by email with an LGBT+ Liaison Officer.

LGBT+ Liaison Officers (in the Student Office)
Miho SUGIYAMA (Ms.), Yusuke KANEKO (Mr.), Koya Rikimiaru (Mr.)
Tel: 0977-78-1124 Email:

Student Organizations

There is a student organization at APU that aims to support LGBT+ individuals. LGBT+ students and allies meet up for social gatherings and events with the aim of creating an LGBT+-friendly environment at APU.

Related Surveys Conducted at APU

These are the results of the “Assessment Survey of the University’s Environment for Sexual Minority (LGBT) Students” that was conducted for students, faculty, and staff members at APU from November to December 2015.


Installing Inclusive Restrooms/All Gender Restrooms in the New Building and Dormitory

APU established an inclusive restroom in the new classroom building that was completed in April 2023, installing two spacious private restrooms with a unique design. In addition, the university decided to install multiple all gender private restrooms in the new dormitory’s common areas instead of gendered restrooms. (April 2023)

Changes to Registered Information (Name/Gender)

Transgender students may now apply to have their name and/or gender registered with the University changed. Certain conditions must be satisfied to be eligible to apply. (April 2022)

Changes to Restroom Signs

The wording on the signs outside the renovated barrier-free restrooms on the 1st floor of Building E and Building F have been changed to read “All Gender Restroom” and the symbols on the signs have also been newly updated. (April 2021)

APU Colors and APU Student Office Hosts "Know yourself, love yourself"

Event information below: here(December 2019)

Renovations to F Building Toilets

Up until April 2019, F Building had only one single-use gender- inclusive restroom (accessible toilet) despite the many classes that took place in the building. The University looked into increasing the number of single-use restrooms in F Building, however, there were some structural issues that placed limitations on the scope of renovations. With the help of APU Colors, the University came up with a renovation proposal and despite it not being the best possible solution, a single-use gender-inclusive restroom was added right next to the sex-segregated bathrooms in between the F105 and F106 classrooms. Urinal partitions were also added to the men’s bathrooms.(April 2019)

Workshop Held for New Employees

A workshop on the University’s policies on sexual and gender diversity was held for new staff employed from April to deepen understanding of the University’s initiatives with regards to sexual minorities. (April 2019)

APU Colors and APU Student Office Hosts Love Pride 2018

Event information below: here(October 2018)

LGBT Rights Workshop Held for APU Staff

Event information below: here(April 2018)