APS Learning Goals/Curriculum Alignment Matrices (CAM)

To students who intend to take APS courses:

Learning Goals and Learning Objectives

APS offers a Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc). The program is designed to achieve the three Learning Goals, each of which has its own specific Learning Objectives. These were developed in alignment with Declaration of the Occasion of the Opening of APU and the Mission of APS.

Learning Goals indicate the ideal characteristics that APS hopes students to have acquired by the time they complete their degrees. Learning Objectives further clarify more specific abilities students should acquire.

  1. 1. Academic Knowledge and Understanding
    1. Students have acquired a basic knowledge of the global society with an emphasis on the Asia Pacific region and other related knowledge.
    2. Students have progressed toward a comprehensive understanding of the area of study to which the student belongs. (Environment and Development; Hospitality and Tourism; International Relations and Peace Studies; and Culture, Society and Media)
    3. Students have developed an interdisciplinary understanding of the ever-changing global society.
  2. 2. Abilities and Skills
    1. Students have improved their logical and critical thinking.
    2. Students have acquired professional and technical skills.
    3. Students have enhanced creativity in the thought and expression of their ideas.
  3. 3. Social Commitment
    1. Students have improved their knowledge of at least a second language.
    2. Students can communicate adequately with others from different cultures and with different values in the global society.
    3. Students can act with leadership and responsibility from a global perspective.

Curriculum Alignment Matrices (CAM)

APS utilizes Curriculum Alignment Matrices (CAM) to give an overview of the expectations for what students should learn in each subject within the APS program. The left-most row of the matrix indicates the given subjects. Enlisted in the upper columns of the matrix are the nine Learning Objectives and three Learning Goals they are aligned with.

When planning your course registration, please refer to the CAM linked below to find out more about what you will learn in each subject.