1. Scholarships / Tuition Fees
  2. Scholarships for Domestic Students

Domestic Student Academic Excellence Scholarship

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This scholarship is awarded to accepted students with exceptional grades and application documents.
Awardees of this scholarship are selected when applying for admission to APU.
It is not possible to apply for this scholarship after enrollment.
Assessment for continuation is conducted each semester after grades are released.

【Assessment for Continuation】
  • When a student fulfills both requirements (1) and (2): “Continuation”
  • When a student fails to fulfill requirement (1) or/and (2): “Warning”
  • When a student receives a “Warning” for two consecutive semesters: “Revocation”
Continuation Criteria Enrolled before 2023 Enrolled from 2023 onwards
(1) Semester GPA 2.5 or higher 3.0 or higher
(2) Number of credits a student needs to complete in a semester 14 credits or more
(7th semester: 6 credits or more)

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