1. Scholarships / Tuition Fees
  2. Scholarships for Domestic Students

Domestic Student Tuition Reduction Scholarship

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The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Domestic Student Tuition Reduction Scholarship is an original APU scholarship that would increase the tuition reduction amount for students selected for the New System for Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship) to half of the APU tuition amount. Individuals not eligible to apply for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship may apply for this scholarship.

A. Individuals eligible to apply for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship, please click here for details.
(Students applying for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship and those who applied for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship while in high school and received a “Reserved Notice” (Saiyo Kohosha Kettei Tsuchi).

B. Individuals ineligible to apply for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship, please click here for details.
(Students who are dependent visa holders and those with a gap of 2 or more years between their graduation from high school and university enrollment.)

  • Click here for JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship application requirements. (Japan Student Services Organization website. Japanese only.)
    Students who satisfy the application requirements will fall in category A, even if they do not meet the financial aid and academic criteria outlined in the eligibility requirements.
  • Students who do not fall in category B must also apply for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship.
    Students who do not fall in category B and do not intend to apply for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

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