Student Blog

A Sneak Peek into the Lives of Resident Assistants (RAs): How the RAs prepare for the upcoming students at APU

Do we all know who the Resident Assistants of AP house are? RAs live on each floor of AP House and provide a wide range of support to new residents including helping them to adjust to campus and Beppu life.

RAs are there to welcome and help new residents to adjust to House life by explaining the House facilities and residential rules, planning a range of House events, and offering the support new residents need to get the most out of their life at AP House.

The beginning of each semester signals a flurry of activity for the RAs at AP House, starting with their training and the Pickup period. This critical phase encapsulates the essence of their roles and signals their transitioning from mere students to guardians and guides for new residents. As the face of AP House, RAs are pivotal in molding the initial experiences of newcomers, setting the stage for a memorable campus life.

Following the training period comes the Pickup period. Preparation for the Pickup period involves revising a series of structured training sessions where RAs refine their understanding of the campus facilities, residential rules, and emergency procedures. This preparation ensures that they are well-equipped to provide authoritative and comforting support to new residents. The Pickup period is characterized by an atmosphere of excitement and a bit of apprehension as new students arrive. RAs meet these fresh faces, often right from their first moments in Beppu, offering a warm welcome and a reassuring presence.

They assist with managing luggage and ensure that each new resident is shown to their rooms in AP House. The first impression of the RAs is often when the first bonds are forged, with RAs sharing their own experiences and offering tips on acclimating to the new environment. Upon arrival at AP House, RAs conduct tours of the facilities, explaining the use of communal areas, laundry services, dining options, and safety features including one huge evacuation drill.

They meticulously go through residential rules to ensure clarity and compliance, aiming to foster a respectful and harmonious living environment.

Moreover, RAs maintain an open-door policy throughout the Pickup period and beyond. They are approachable, often seen checking in on the well-being of the residents, offering advice on academic and personal matters, and sometimes just sharing a meal or a casual chat. Their presence is a constant reassurance that help is always around the corner. We, the RAs, also get bento boxes for lunch and dinner during the whole Pickup period and we eat together with each other, thus increasing our bond and friendship.

The Pickup period is more than an introduction to campus life; it is a testament to the dedicated service RAs provide in ensuring that every resident has a smooth and welcoming transition into their new home. This period is not just about settling into new accommodations but about laying the foundation for a successful and enriching APU journey.

Before the pickup period, we prepare to welcome the new students through the training period. The training for the RAs at AP House prepares them to effectively support and guide new residents. This essential training equips RAs with a blend of practical skills and knowledge necessary to manage their responsibilities throughout the semester. It starts with a comprehensive orientation that covers everything from the nuances of AP house policies and residential rules to first aid. This ensures that RAs can handle emergencies and provide accurate information to the residents. Through the training, RAs are able to give peace of mind to the new enrolled students and their parents.

A highlight of the training is the overnight camp, which is designed to foster teamwork among the RAs. This retreat involves various team-building activities, such as games and group challenges, that not only make learning fun but also strengthen the bonds among the RAs.

A message from RAs:

Welcome to AP House! As your RAs, we're here to support you and make your stay as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. Whether you need help settling in, have questions about campus resources, or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out. We have lots of fun events planned to help you get to know your fellow residents and make new friends.

Abid Aziz
Abid Aziz

Hello, I am Abid, a 3rd year student studying Hospitality and Tourism. After trying multiple times, I finally got the position of a Student PR Assistant and I am happy to start my journey here. My message to all the readers would be that "Do not let people tell you that you cannot have it all!"

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