Student Blog

Interview with APU Graduate: Hopes for Current APU Students

3 min read

Hello! I’m Kobayashi, a second-year student in the College of Sustainability and Tourism (ST).

In this article, I interviewed Maki Seki, an APU graduate who recently made a generous donation to our university. We discussed his reasons for the donation, his hopes for APU, his student life experiences, and advice for current students. If you’re searching for your passion or feeling uncertain about your future, you’ll find valuable insights in this interview. Please read until the end!

1. Introducing APU Graduate: Maki Seki

Maki Seki, after graduating from APU, engaged in various management reforms at a business company and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting. In 2015, he joined TMH Inc. and currently serves as the CFO and head of the management department, contributing to the enhancement of corporate value. During his time at APU, Seki was deeply committed to his studies and studying abroad. He also actively participated in extracurricular activities, serving as a Resident Assistant in AP House, supporting dormitory students. He described his student life as one where he eagerly pursued what he wanted to do.

2. Hopes for Current APU Students

Seki's generous donation to APU was motivated by his gratitude for the diverse experiences and opportunities he had, supported by scholarships and other aids. He hopes APU will continue to support students, especially those striving to start their own businesses. Seki encourages students to be energetic, proactive, and to fully enjoy their limited time in university by embracing diverse challenges.

3. Message from Seki to Students

APU offers a rich, diverse environment and numerous opportunities to cultivate a spirit of challenge. These experiences will be a significant asset in life. Seki hopes students will continue to take on many challenges and that these experiences will become valuable resources for them. University is a place to build the foundation for future success, and he hopes his donation will contribute to supporting this foundation.

4. Conclusion

From this interview, I realized the importance of the phrase "challenging yourself to do what you want." This has inspired me to make the most of my time as a university student and to wholeheartedly pursue what I want to do. The energy I felt from Seki, along with his advice to passionately pursue my goals, has been very encouraging. I hope to cherish connections like these, regardless of generation, and for everyone associated with APU to help each other and take on challenges that will impact the world.

Thank you very much, Seki, for this interview!

Kobayashi Makoto
Kobayashi Makoto

I want to write articles that will help APU students love their university even more! Additionally, I aim to share the greatness of APU that only current students understand with middle and high school students interested in APU!

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