Student Blog

World Festival: The biggest event in AP House for new residents

5min to read

Every year, a world festival is held at AP House to welcome the spring semester residents and is celebrated as the biggest House event in the international dormitory of APU. "World Fiesta" was the name of this year’s world festival held in AP House. It was a vibrant and multicultural event aimed to celebrate and showcase the diverse cultures of the all the residents of AP House. It was divided into two main parts: the Day Part and the Night Part, each featuring unique activities and performances that highlighted the rich cultural heritage of different regions around the world.

In this article, I will introduce the biggest event at AP House to help you imagine what kind of dormitory life you can experience in APU!

For the Day Part of the World Fiesta, it was a bustling and colorful affair, featuring various booths representing different regions. Each booth provided a glimpse into the culture, traditions, and cuisines of its respective region.

South Asia Booth:

The South Asia booth was a hub of activity, showcasing traditional attire, artifacts, and cultural displays from countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. In this booth, the visitors enjoyed learning about the rich history and vibrant cultures of these nations through interactive exhibits and informative posters. The participants gained valuable knowledge and wisdom regarding the south Asian region including their food, culture and traditions. They also had the chance to make and drink delicious South Asian tea and take part in a fun spice challenge.

East Asia Booth:

The East Asia booth featured the cultures of China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The participants who visited this booth, could try the traditional clothing, calligraphy, origami, and learn about various cultural artifacts from the region. Participants had a lot of fun trying the viral South Korean games and the international students came across unique and tasty Japanese snacks.

Africa Booth:

The Africa booth was a lively and colorful representation of the continent's diverse cultures. The participants expressed high satisfaction and interaction from this booth as they were able to dance with groovy African music. They could also try out the traditional African masks, clothing, and even musical instruments. Visitors were treated to demonstrations of African dance, providing a dynamic and engaging experience along with hair braiding and bracelet making.

Southeast Asian Food Booth:

The Southeast Asian food booth was a major attraction, offering a variety of delicious dishes from the region. Attendees savored the flavors of Mala Chicken from Hong Kong with a special Burmese dessert. This booth provided an excellent opportunity for participants to explore the diverse culinary traditions of Southeast Asia.

The Night Part

of the World Fiesta was a spectacular celebration of music, dance, and cultural performances. The lobby of AP House 2 was transformed into a vibrant stage, where residents showcased their talents and cultural heritage through captivating performances and the audience enjoyed the show to the fullest.

The night began with a romantic Taylor Swift cover followed by an energetic South Asian dance performance, blending traditional and contemporary styles, captivating the audience with chromatic costumes and rhythmic movements. This was followed by more songs, dances and instrumental performances with infectious rhythms and dynamic movements that had everyone clapping and dancing along. The final highlight was the dynamic dance by RA muse, a dance club exclusively formed by the RAs. The night ended with a soulful performance by the House event leaders singing “We are the World”.

The "World Fiesta" at AP House was a resounding success, bringing together residents from diverse cultural backgrounds to celebrate and share their heritage. The event not only provided entertainment but also fostered a sense of community and mutual appreciation among the dormitory's international residents. The Day Part's interactive booths and the Night Part's captivating performances created a memorable and enriching experience for all attendees.

A message from the leaders of the House event:

We hope that all the participants enjoyed this event and had a lot of fun. There are lots of students from all around the world coming to APU. We think you have met so many people and have been exposed to so many different cultures and to this day, we should live more like us. Never be afraid of something you want to try; have more confidence in yourself and at the same time send your love to the people around you. Be proud of who you are.

If you are interested in AP House, please check out the information about APU on the official website.
We are the World.

Abid Aziz
Abid Aziz

Hello, I am Abid, a 3rd year student studying Hospitality and Tourism. After trying multiple times, I finally got the position of a Student PR Assistant and I am happy to start my journey here. My message to all the readers would be that "Do not let people tell you that you cannot have it all!"

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