CEO & President of KAI Corporation, Mr. ENDO Koji, delivers Social Outreach Seminar at APU


May 14, 2013

On Wednesday, May 1, 2013, the CEO & President of KAI Corporation, Mr. ENDO Koji, delivered a Social Outreach Seminar at APU under the title of “Global Marketing at KAI Corporation as a mid-sized businesses”.

During the lecture, President ENDO described his company’s sales approach and how the company’s overseas sales have doubled over the last decade through the successful sales of kitchen knives and razor blades.

President ENDO then spoke in detail about future marketing in global business. “Business is not about winning and loosing. It’s about how we can expand our customer base and how well we can develop our possibilities and abilities to best respond to the needs of our clients. I believe that the key to creating a globally accepted business is to stand in our customers’ shoes when we develop new products and services”.

Following the lecture, President ENDO then responded to each of the many questions raised by the student audience.

Since 2010, APU has been arranging Social Outreach Seminars and inviting business representatives and entrepreneurs to speak to our students as an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge graduates need out in the workplace.

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