Social Outreach Seminar "SMBC's Securities Strategy" Held


Jan 14, 2014

On Thursday, December 19, 2013, KUBO Tetsuya, the president of SMBC Nikko Securities, came to APU to give a social outreach seminar entitled "SMBC's Securities Strategy—SMBC Nikko Securities"

First, KUBO explained the role of securities firms in financial markets and described the securities strategy employed by the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. Participating students listened intently to the lecture and took notes.

One of the participants, YE Yannan (APM4, China), commented on the seminar and described his aspirations for the future: "It was a privilege to attend this invaluable seminar. I have interned at a bank and an insurance company, and I want to work in the finance industry after graduation. I would like to combine the knowledge I gained here today with my internship experience and put it to use in the future."

Since 2010, APU has been arranging Social Outreach Seminars and inviting business representatives, entrepreneurs and experts to speak to our students as an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge graduates need out in the workplace.

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