Debriefing Session and Closing Ceremony for the Japanese Education Program(J-LEP)


Sep 19, 2014

On Thursday, July 31, 2014 the debriefing session and closing ceremony for the “Japanese Education Program (J-LEP)”, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU)’s training program for their foreigner employees, was held at APU. The program is one which aims to train employees from various Asia countries, and took on 10 trainees from November 2013, for 9 months, making use of APU’s Japanese education, as well as its multicultural and multi lingual environment.

At the debriefing session, each trainee presented what they had learned during their time at APU in Japanese, and received feedback from their supervising professor, as well as their Japanese language partners, and the peers who had studied with them. In the closing ceremony which followed, APU Vice President YAMAGAMI Susumu gave a closing address and gave the trainees their certificates of completion.
Many of the trainees spoke of their future ambitions. Huynh Kim Anh said, 
“Having learned Japanese, I would like to work as an intermediary between the local staff and the headquarters. I learned that for this, not only is language important, but trusting each other is important. In the future I would like to go into a management position”. 
Nguyen Quynh Chi said, 
“I intend to continue studying, and will study advanced Japanese so that back in Vietnam, I will be able to negotiate and make proposals to customers in Japanese.

In closing, BTMU Executive Officer Mr. Itagaki, spoke not only of his impressions of the program, but spoke encouraging words, saying,
“In future, there will be more workers from outside Japan in our bank, and we hope that local staff will become the branch managers. I hope that this is what all of the first year graduates aim towards”. 

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