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Jul 2, 2015
On Wednesday, June 26, 2015, the “AY2015 Spring Semester Award and Scholarship Conferral Ceremony” was held at the APU Convention Hall. Students who produced outstanding results in their academic and extracurricular activities in the AY2014 Fall semester were recognized including four recipients of the ANDO Momofuku Award, one recipient of the YOKOYAMA English Award.
APU President KORENAGA Shun praised the efforts of the ANDO Momofuku Award recipients before handing each student their certificate. The Deans of the College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) and College of International Management (APM), Prof. TODOROKI Hiroshi and Prof. OTAKE Toshitsugu, presented each college’s award recipient and praised their efforts.
Pro Vice-President YOKOYAMA Kenji then handed a certificate to the recipient of the YOKOYAMA English Award and Group and individual recipients of the Incentive Scholarship & Certificate for Self-motivated Students & Organizations were awarded, followed by recipients of the APU-Club Domestic Students’ Parents Association Self-motivated Students Scholarship awarded by Dean of Student Affairs MAKITA Masahiro.
Recipient of the ANDO Momofuku Award, REINBOLD Marvin Hendrik (College of International Management 3rd year, Germany), represented his fellow award recipients and shared his aspirations for the future: “I was shy, had only a few friends and was not confident in myself. However, Mr. ANDO Momofuku said that you are never too old to pursue your dream. Thus, I have started to pursue my dream of becoming a concept artist. I am finally happy with who I am and I am proud to say, that I want to create intellectual property for others, so that they get inspired to pursue their dreams and never ever give up, no matter what struggle they might face. I know it is hard to change your life, but if you keep on working hard and do not give up, you can be whoever you want to be.
Be proud of yourself, but do not forget the ones around you. Without my friends and family I would have never been where I am today. I am grateful to each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart and cannot thank them enough.”
<AY2015 Spring Scholarship Winners>
ANDO Momofuku Award
This scholarship was founded through the generosity of the late Honorary Doctor ANDO Momofuku, the founder of the Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd. to encourage and support students who have outstanding academic records, are of good character, and have played a leading role in various activities.
College of International Management (APM)3 | REINBOLD Marvin H. | APM3 | SAKIB Shihabun |
APM2 | MARTUZA Jareef Bin | APM2 | VICTOR Tou |
YOKOYAMA English Award
This scholarship has been established through a generous endowment by Professor YOKOYAMA Kenji, Pro. Vice-President, with the aim of encouraging Japanese basis students to strive to improve their English ability in their first year, to encourage these students to discover the many different ways it is possible to learn at this university, and to cultivate human resources who can be internationally active in the future.
APM2 | SUGAHARA Kazutaka |
Incentive Scholarship for Self-motivated Students
The aim of the Incentive Scholarship for Self-motivated Students is to encourage and support individuals or groups who have demonstrated exceptional performance in their self-motivated or extracurricular activities, and have established higher goals for the future that are considered achievable.
APM3 | TORII Misa | APM2 | DUONG Bao Thi Anh |
College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS)2 | MATSUMURA Hinata | APS3 | KYAY Mon |
- | Wadaiko "Raku" | - | Habitat APU |
APU-Club Domestic Students’ Parents Association Self-motivated Students Scholarship
The APU-Club Domestic Students’ Parents Association Self-motivated Students Scholarship is designed to recognize and encourage student organizations or individuals that have obtained outstanding results in various self-motivated activities.
Class of 2014 | PHAM Hai Nam | APM4 | NGUYEN Hoang Duy P. |
Class of 2014 | SUZUKI Tomoya | APS6 | YU Shuangying |
- | APU Debate Society |
Academic Merit Scholarship
This scholarship is to encourage students who have achieved excellent academic results during the 2014 Fall semester.
APM2 | TODA Sakura | APM3 | LI Weida |
APM3 | HANG Zhewen | APM3 | NI Xuwen |
APM3 | WU Kai-Chun | APM3 | REINBOLD Marvin H. |
APM3 | DIMITRI Jap Maan T. | APM4 | PARK Seung Woo |
APM4 | NGUYEN Le Bao Vy | APM4 | HOANG Thi Xuan Anh |
APM4 | NGUYEN Thao Nguyen | APM4 | PHAN Nguyen Mai Chi |
APM4 | CHOTIRUN Krongkan | APS2 | KINOSHITA Yuko |
APS2 | KIM Kyong Na | APS3 | TRAN Hieu Han |
APS3 | LO PRESTI Terra C. | APS3 | LEE Mihwa |
APS4 | NGUYEN Ngoc Yen | APS4 | RYANG Sung |
Academic Merit Certificate
This certificate is to encourage students who have achieved the second or third position as academic results during the 2014 Fall semester.
APS3 | VU Thanh Binh | APS3 | CHOI Hyeok |
APS4 | ANDARINI Sertianti | APS3 | LE Minh Anh Thu |
APS4 | KYAY Mon | APS4 | EARSAKUL Thanita |