Thinking about World Peace: Palestinian Ambassador to Japan and UNITAR Specialist Give Social Outreach Seminars at APU


Jun 8, 2017

Since 2010, APU has been inviting guest lecturers from a wide range of fields to speak at Social Outreach Seminars in an effort to contribute to students' learning and research.

On Wednesday, May 17, H.E. Mr. Waleed Siam, the Palestinian Ambassador to Japan, gave a seminar entitled "Identity and Politics in Palestine: 70 Years Struggle for Peace and Freedom." In his talk, Mr. Siam gave a brief overview of the history of Palestine and discussed the factors that have led to the current situation there.

Meanwhile, on Friday, May 19, Mr. Berin McKenzie, a Specialist in Training and Research at the Hiroshima office of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), gave a talk entitled "United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Working in the Security Sector." He talked about the training that UNITAR provides for post-conflict reconstruction and security from its office in Hiroshima, a city symbolized by its reconstruction after the atomic bomb.

Both of these seminars afforded the students with an invaluable chance to learn first-hand about international relations.

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