Commencement of the New Event and Project Support System


Sep 8, 2017

APU began a new system to support student initiated extracurricular activities starting from AY2017. The three categories for the support system for student extracurricular activities are Type A: Autonomous Events, Type B: Selected Project, and Type C: Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Project. Students can receive support that is appropriate for their project type.

A: Autonomous Events
Students can register for this project type if their event has a purpose and is safe, and does not violate any rules. This project type has an independent and flexible format.
B. Selected Projects
Selected projects are to be creative and exceptional projects, with a strong awareness of “Cultivating cross-cultural receptivity and collaboration skills for playing an active role in the international community,” “Utilizing academic knowledge from the regular curriculum,” and “Making contributions to society.” Selected projects will receive substantial support from the Student Office, including training and feedback to enhance planning and management skills, as well as subsidization.
C. Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Project
Enterprise & NPOs Co-create Projects are projects that work in collaboration with NPOs and other organizations outside of the University. While receiving guidance from working professionals, students are able to execute plans that would not be possible without the network of people needed to develop large-scale activities.

The groups that were selected for Type B: Selected Projects, did a presentation open to the public on Thursday, July 6 and Friday, July 7. The eight groups who made it through the application screening process explained the purpose and outline of their projects, while also responding to questions about the difficult points and details of their plans from the faculty and staff who served as judges. The following six groups were selected after this screening. Over the next half year to year, the mission for these groups will be to complete a high-quality project.

※ Outline of Selected Projects
  Organization's Name Project Name Overview
1 Two Stars ReFamily; A small step can make a bigger change Create opportunities to consider the issues of refugees and accepting refugees, and conduct educational activities.
2 TABLE FOR TWO Share rich diet you and me Collect food that would go to waste and hold a cooking event, and have campaign events that will educate and bring more attention to the food problems in the world.
3 Bhabishya and Jamarko for Nepal (BAJ) KITAB (Knowledge which Transforms And builds Future) Donate a library to a school in Nepal and hold events to ensure the library can be used for an extended period.
4 APU International Relation Student Association Global Negotiation Simulation Competition :INITIATE Implement scenario-based simulation competitions with students from APU as well as other universities. The simulations are based on a global negotiation setting, and while each participant is in their individual roles, they need to reach one agreement.
5 Baseball Club APU×Sri Lanka Baseball Exchange Program Invite high school students from Sri Lanka to APU to do an exchange by playing baseball. This project has been developing over the last two years.
6 Musical Company Les Miserables Hold a musical with Beppu citizens in both Japanese and English.

Announcements will frequently be made about the achievements of the students’ extracurricular activities.

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