F Building Renovations Complete


Apr 22, 2019

BEPPU, Oita - Endeavors are underway across the APU campus to enhance student lives at the university. Nearly twenty years have passed since APU’s founding, and it became time to consider the renovation of certain areas of the F Building. The bathrooms were chosen as a place to make a difference.

APU consulted with bathroom fixture manufacturers as well as APU Colors, the university’s support organization for LGBT individuals. Officials in charge of the renovations also met with current students through the APU Student Office. Based on the results of those consultations, the renovation work reflected student feedback. Upgrades to the bathrooms include the installation of spacious stalls that include a sink for washing hands, a mirror, a handrail, a fitting board and a belongings rack, and the placement of belongings racks in all stalls.

Renovation of the bathrooms on the first floor of the F Building next to Classroom F105 took place from February to March in the break between the fall and spring semesters.

This is the first time that renovation work had been performed on bathrooms at APU. Future renovations will take place with input from students, faculty, staff, and other APU stakeholders.

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