Giving Back to APU


May 14, 2019

Arika Oku ’14 (right) with her former AP House roommate.

I’m Arika Oku, and I graduated from APU in 2014 after entering in the spring of 2010. I participated in a number of activities at APU like GASS, and I was also a Teaching Assistant. At AP House, my roommate was Korean, and we ended up sharing an apartment until graduation. I spent so much time with her and immersing myself in Korean culture that people said that I was starting to act Korean.

Now I live in Tokyo and work in the shipping industry. I work with people from around the world, using the cooperative skills and global perspective that I gained at APU.

At APU, I found myself in a way that I couldn’t have thought possible back in high school. I believe that APU gives so many opportunities and possibilities to its students every year. I hope that over the coming decades and even centuries, students at APU will continue to develop into globally talented individuals. For my part, I’m striving every day to put the abilities I learned at APU into practice and give back to the APU community. Congratulations on the first 20 years!

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