Fall 2022 Entrance Ceremony


Oct 7, 2022

0n Friday, September 23, 2022, the Fall 2022 Entrance Ceremony was held at Beppu’s B-con Plaza, where 526 individuals joined the APU family. The ceremony was held completely in person for the first time in 3 years.

This fall, APU welcomes 431 undergraduate students (38 domestic and 393 international) from 40 difference countries and regions, as well as 95 graduate students (3 domestic and 92 international) from 46 countries and regions. is. In addition, the university will also host a total of 120 exchange students and non-degree students from 27 countries and regions (15 domestic students, 105 international students). (As of September 30, 2022)

At the ceremony, President Haruaki Deguchi encouraged the students:
Congratulations to all of you! On behalf of the entire APU community, I offer you a heartfelt welcome. I would like to talk briefly about three things, in the spirit of congratulating all those who have just joined the APU community. The first is that you are now at a time of your life when it is extremely important to establish good study habits. Meet a variety of people, read many books, travel the world, and by all means find enjoyment in learning that excites you. Secondly, I want you to find things at APU that you enjoy, that you find interesting, and that you’d like to try out for yourself. APU is like a United Nations of young people, a small world. By all means, let's take on the challenge of mixing and finding solutions together at our university. Thirdly, I want you to make many friends at APU. I believe these are the three key things that can enrich your life: a desire to keep on learning, a willingness to take on new challenges, and irreplaceable friends. Once more, I congratulate you on your entrance to APU. Please feel free to visit my office at any time.

―――You can read the rest of his message here.―――

Among the guests was Prefectural Governor Kazunari Yoshida, who gave a word of congratulations. Another was Morse Caoagas Flores (College of Asia Pacific Studies Class of 2006), a representative of the alumni association and a member of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Flores encouraged new students to have the right mindset at APU, to embrace the unknown, to expose themselves to the world, and to be fearlessly unique.

Next, representing the current students, AMARJARGAL Anar (College of Asia Pacific Students 3rd year, Mongolia), greeted the newcomers while advising them to be innovative and creative and to spend their time as university students finding themselves.

Representing the new undergraduate students, Minami Horiba (College of Asia Pacific Studies, Japan) gave her greeting:
When we look out at the current world, there are so many serious issues such as war, environmental problems, and hunger. I think every new student has different reasons for enrolling in APU. The reason why I enrolled in this university is to learn structures of diverse politics in the world, international relations and cultures. Also, I aim to be a person who can contribute to solving social problems.

In order to achieve my aim, I need to learn what is happening in the world, what causes the problems, and to accumulate knowledge. Additionally, in this globalized world, I believe it is most important for problem solving to converse and collaborate with others, even those who have very different backgrounds from mine. As we all know, APU has an equal ratio of domestic students to international students. The diverse, multicultural environment is one of APU’s unique characteristics and strengths. This unique environment is perfect for developing your international mindset and communication skills, so make the most of the APU environment, accumulate knowledge, engage in discussion with many people, broaden your thinking horizons, and grow into someone who can make a positive difference in the world.

Shape your world. This is my favorite tagline of APU. Don’t forget you are the hero of your own life. Have confidence, continue to pursue your dreams and interests, and create a better world through your own actions. I am looking forward to studying with you all. If you have any concerns or problems, let's help each other and have a great and fulfilling life together. I would like to conclude my speech by saying once again how happy I am to have enrolled with you. Thank you.

Lastly, BALDEH MAMAT SAIDOU (Graduate School of International Management, The Gambia) stated the following:
I feel that it is a great privilege to be an APU student. However, gaining admission to this noble institution is not our end goal. The hard work and the road to success begins today. A wise man once said, “If you don’t do things today, they will undo you tomorrow.” Therefore, I urge all of us to make best use of this opportunity to equip ourselves with the skills and knowledge that we came here to acquire so that when we have completed our studies we can affect positive change in our home countries and regions, the societies we live in, the institutions around us, and the world at large.

Have you ever heard the word Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a pan-African term referring to the universal bond of humanity. It means, “I am because we are.” As I look around, I see people from all corners of the world seated with a united purpose and goal. I see people of different cultural, religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds and values. APU united us; our thirst for education united us here. And humanity has united us as brothers and sisters, as a family. Today I urge all of us to embrace one another as members of one human race. It may be the first time for some of us who are just arriving here to experience new cultures or meet people who think and act differently than we do. I urge all of us to remain professional and compassionate at all times by exercising tolerance, respect, and patience. Let’s promote the spirit of Ubuntu. Diversity is in fact what makes our university so unique. Our studies here will mold us into responsible leaders who will shape the world into a better place.

After the ceremony, current student groups, V-steps (Vietnamese dance), Soul Sound Style (SSS), APU Yosshakoi, and Wadaiko Raku, performed to welcome the new students.

You can watch the ceremony on APU’s official YouTube channel.

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