GCEP Members Give Final Presentations


Dec 7, 2022

On Wednesday, November 16, the employees from Saibu Gas Co., Ltd., Iyo Bank, Ltd., and KOSÉ Corporation gave final presentations as trainees for the first quarter of the 2022 fall semester Global Competency Enhancement Program (GCEP).

At the results report meeting, each trainee formed a group with three APU students and presented proposals in English to solve the challenges of globalizing their company based on what they had learned during their time in the program. Then, the professors in charge of the seminar and also those in charge of social outreach as well as the trainees’ English conversation partners and the students they learned with provided feedback.

The trainee from Saibu Gas Co., Ltd. commented, "It was a very valuable experience working together toward a single goal despite differences in age, gender, nationality, culture, and religion. I think that I can make use of it beyond the boundaries of my department as well as when collaborating with people in other industries.” The trainee from Iyo Bank, Ltd. said, “I learned that proactively communicating my own thoughts and ideas leads to improvement in language skills." Finally, the trainee from KOSÉ Corporation said, "During training, we did a lot of group work with multinational students. APU has a deeply rooted culture of accepting various opinions, and I thought it was meaningful for a working adult who aspires to become a global human resource to receive training in the same space as students.”

APU takes advantage of its multicultural and multilingual environment to implement the Global Competency Enhancement Program (GCEP), a corporate human resource development program aimed at enhancing the abilities required of global human resources. We actively accept trainees from companies to our undergraduate and graduate schools.

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