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Nov 15, 2023
On October 30, 2023, three students who participated in GAIA presented about their individual internship experiences. GAIA (Global Internships with Alumni) is a program organized by the APU Career Office that matches current students with alumni working both in Japan and abroad. Different from regular internships, this is a unique program that allows current students to see firsthand how APU alumni are applying their APU experiences in their careers and contributing to the development of society. This is so that current students may then reevaluate their own experiences in life and define their career path going forward.
Students interned with a wide variety of organizations, including ① Monova Trade, a company in Mongolia which operates as the official distributor of Daiso and manages a chain of stores to share Japanese products, ② IkuZo!, a Japanese education company in Indonesia, and an international free school/after-school childcare center operated by ③ Wakabakai (若葉会).
The three GAIA participants presented their summer internship experiences, introducing what kind of activities they were involved in and what they learned from alumni or their work senpai. SATO Yumi(College of Asia Pacific Studies 3rd year, Japan), who interned at Monova Trade, is considering development consulting as a potential career path. Interning and creating content at IkuZo! reaffirmed MIZUNO Karin’s(College of Asia Pacific Studies 4th year, Japan)passion for teaching Japanese, and she is now aspiring to be a Japanese teacher in Indonesia. FARREL Lukman(College of International Management 4th year, Indonesia) interned at two locations, Shalom in Yufuin and Wave in Oita. He worked with students who face unique challenges through which he gained relevant experience towards his goal to create more opportunities for disabled people in Indonesia. He also discovered the importance of connecting with helpful alumni through the APU network.
All students could agree that GAIA was an enlightening experience that helped them gain clarity about their future career paths and what careers may align with their values.