Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Japan Visits APU


Feb 16, 2024

On January 25, 2024, Mr. Ghaleeb Jeppie, Minister-Counsellor (Science, Innovation and Education) from the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Japan visited APU. On that day, President Yoneyama, Vice President BEISE-ZEE Marian, Associate Professor ROUX Petrus Willem (who is from South Africa), and admissions staff warmly welcomed the Minister-Counsellor and held discussions on academic collaboration, student exchange, scholarship programs, and student recruitment activities in African countries. The Minister-Counsellor expressed support for strengthening future collaboration between the two countries, stating his hope for deepening cooperation between universities in the Republic of South Africa and APU.

APU signed a cooperation agreement with the African Leadership Academy (ALA) in 2015 and has since welcomed many students who are expected to become the next generation of leaders in Africa. In the fall semester of 2023, APU had a total of five undergraduate students and one graduate student from South Africa, including students from ALA.

*ALA is a residential secondary education institution located in Johannesburg, South Africa, accepting mainly 15- to 18-year-old students from all 54 countries in Africa. In addition to the regular curriculum, the school offers a two-year curriculum in African Studies and Entrepreneurial Leadership. The mission of the school is to nurture the next generation of leaders in Africa.

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