Pro Vice President Deguchi, awarded the title of Professor Emeritus.


Jun 26, 2024

On May 16, 2024, former APU President Haruaki Deguchi, now Pro Vice President, was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus by President Hiroshi Yoneyama in recognition of his contributions to APU. The conferment ceremony was held at the APU Tokyo Office.

Pro Vice President. Deguchi, was appointed as the 4th President of APU in January 2018 and dedicated himself to university management for six years. He actively contributed to the growth of young talent, launching the College of Sustainability and Tourism and promoting the APU 2030 Vision, which aims to change the world through the education received at APU. He also established the APU Startup Program to foster entrepreneurship among undergraduate and graduate students. As President, he consistently listened to voices both within and outside the university, energetically gave lectures in the business world and at high schools, and engaged in writing, publishing numerous books and leaving behind a significant legacy. After his term as President ended, he assumed his current role as Pro Vice President in January 2024.

The title of Professor Emeritus has been conferred in accordance with the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Regulations for Professors Emeriti to those who have contributed outstanding educational and / or research achievements to the University.

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