APU Holds Asia Pacific Conference 2024


Jan 7, 2025

On November 30 and December 1, 2024, the Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) hosted the Asia Pacific Conference 2024.

As the largest English-language international academic conference in the humanities and social sciences in Japan, the AP Conference has been held annually since 2003 to provide researchers worldwide with opportunities to present their work. This year’s conference, held under the theme “Bridging Divides for Global Recovery,” welcomed a record-breaking 370 participants from 47 countries and regions.

The keynote speeches were delivered by Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, President of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan, and Mr. Nobukatsu Kanehara, Executive Director of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. They discussed the role of leadership in bridging global divides and addressing critical challenges for a sustainable future, and highlighted the necessity of a national strategy to overcome domestic divisions and respond effectively to the current geopolitical crises, respectively.

During the panel sessions, participants presented on a wide range of research topics focusing on the Asia Pacific region. The sessions featured lively discussions and exchanges of ideas. Participants shared positive feedback, including: “I've learned a lot from other talented colleagues from different backgrounds and perspectives, and I've been connected with some people who share the same interests as me, which is wonderful.”

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