APU and Kyushu Institute of Technology Team Selected as Finalists in the University of Tokyo "Deep Tech Startup Practical Training Program"


Jan 24, 2025

On Thursday, January 9, 2025, a mixed team of students from APU and the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) was selected as finalists and gave a presentation at the "Deep Tech Startup Practical Training Program" held at the University of Tokyo.

This program, launched by the University of Tokyo in the 2021 academic year, aims to foster deep tech startups. Led by Professor Ichiro Sakata, Special Advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo, the program includes graduate students from the University of Tokyo, the Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology), and students from partner universities with credit exchange agreements, all of whom are selected through a competitive process. Participating students bring the expertise of their respective research fields to develop startup proposals aimed at solving challenges facing industry. The program provides opportunities for collaboration with a diverse array of students, leading professors from the University of Tokyo, and corporate partners, with the goal of nurturing talent capable of addressing global challenges.

This year, four outstanding teams were selected from approximately 30 participating groups to present their final proposals at the University of Tokyo's Hongo Campus. The final presentations were attended by President Teruo Fujii, Professor Shigeo Kagami, and other professors from the Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo. Representatives from corporate partners including Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI) and KDDI Corporation also participated as judges, providing students with advice and encouragement for turning their ideas into concrete businesses.

The APU and Kyutech team, "Sora no Hako," focused on the space industry, a key sector for Oita Prefecture. They identified issues such as Japan's lagging position in the global space market and the worldwide shortage of manufacturing capabilities for microsatellites. To address these challenges, the APU students developed a business model from a management perspective, while the Kyutech students provided technological expertise in microsatellite development. The team proposed a startup business leveraging Kyutech's advanced microsatellite technology to deliver solutions on a global scale.

"Sora no Hako" Members from APU

  • Akio Kiritani (APM 3rd year, Japan)
  • Harold Lo (GSM, Hong Kong)
  • Masao Miyamoto (GSM, Japan)

Comment from Masao Miyamoto

When working on a business plan that utilized Kyushu Institute of Technology’s microsatellite technology as part of this program, I initially felt uncertain about venturing into the unfamiliar fields of deep tech and the space industry. However, I was able to apply the business knowledge I gained at APU to develop our plan.

In the process of exploring how to transform Kyutech’s technology into viable products and services and establish a sustainable business, I realized that the fundamental principles of business remain the same across all fields. I am very proud that what I learned at APU was highly recognized in this external program. The network we built from this experience will surely contribute to improving our plan and generating new ideas.

I am also determined to give back to the entire APU community by promoting further involvement in the deep tech field. Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the University of Tokyo for organizing this program, the Kyushu Institute of Technology for their technical support, and everyone at APU for their encouragement.

Comment from Professor Masanori Fujita (APM)

Congratulations to the Kyushu Deep Tech Team for being selected as finalists in the University of Tokyo’s 2024 "Deep Tech Startup Practical Training Program." To be chosen as one of the best four teams from among nearly 30 groups of graduate students, including those from the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology), is truly an impressive achievement.

The project you proposed involved developing a global startup business utilizing Kyutech’s microsatellite technology. This accomplishment is significant because it demonstrates how APU can create and propose business ideas based on external technologies, and this was highly evaluated.

In Kyushu, where APU is located, industries such as the space industry you addressed, as well as semiconductors, automotive, and agriculture, are thriving. By combining Kyushu’s industrial strengths with APU’s extensive international networks, I believe APU can contribute to the global expansion of the region’s industries.

I encourage you to continue engaging in activities that generate strong social impact and strive toward solving global challenges.

Comment from Professor Ichiro Sakata (Special Advisor to the President, the University of Tokyo)

Entrepreneurship education at the University of Tokyo aims to promote "bidirectional openness." This means bringing in top-tier experts, such as venture capitalists, corporate ventures, accelerators, and experienced entrepreneurs, from outside the university to contribute to education while also opening up our learning environment to the outside world.

Opening up this space not only contributes to Japan’s university community, it also enhances the diversity of the environment. When brainstorming entrepreneurial ideas, a setting that brings together people with different ideas and backgrounds is invaluable. The participants from APU were invited to this program with this perspective in mind, and through discussions and interactions with other students, you made significant contributions to the program.

This term, we emphasized team activities involving members with a diverse array of specialties, closely simulating real-world entrepreneurial scenarios. The business plan, "Sora no Hako," is an excellent outcome of the collaboration between APU’s business students and Kyutech’s deep tech students. It serves as a model for team-based entrepreneurship and demonstrates the potential of interdisciplinary cooperation.

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