Student Organization "Genect" Hosts an Intergenerational Exchange Event Between Elderly People and Students


Aug 7, 2024

On Wednesday, July 17, "Genect," which operates under Project B of the APU student organization support system, held an intergenerational exchange event between elderly people and students at APU.

Genect aims to build meaningful intergenerational connections between APU students and local elderly residents. The group's leader, MUHAMMAD Ajnas Ahmed (4th-year student in the College of International Management, India), has recognized the issue of elderly isolation in Japan, which contrasts with the cultural norm of family dedication to elderly care in his home country. Inspired by his learnings from an internship at a nursing home in Oita City, Muhammad initiated the Genect project.

As part of their activities, APU students from various countries and regions have made multiple visits to nursing homes in Oita, providing the elderly with cultural learning and intellectual stimulation. Simultaneously, the students themselves have gained insights into the operation of Japanese nursing homes and the daily lives of the elderly, reflecting on the aging societies and eldercare situations both domestically and internationally. Such projects fostering interaction with the elderly have been rare among APU student activities, but this initiative which was started by four international students has garnered support from many APU students, and now the group boasts 40 members.

On the day of the event, elderly residents living in Oita Prefecture were invited as guests to interact with Genect members and participating APU students. Muhammad opened the event by highlighting, with evidence, the issue of elderly isolation in Japan and the significance of the group's efforts to address this problem. He emphasized that Genect's activities not only provide stimulation for the elderly but also allow participating students to experientially learn about diversity, establishing a mutual support relationship between the elderly and students.

During the event, students and elderly participants were divided into mixed teams to compete in building towers with marshmallows and pasta, with everyone working earnestly together. Additionally, group members made phone calls to their grandparents and enjoyed open conversations, and a time was set aside for all participants to write letters to their grandparents, suggesting that they start by communicating with the elderly people closest to them.

At the end of the event, an exchange of opinions was held, where an elderly participant expressed joy by saying, "I don't have grandchildren, so it's wonderful to feel like I have grandchildren from all over the world." Group members shared their learnings from Genect and their thoughts about their own grandparents, highlighting how the group's activities have fostered respectful intergenerational exchanges. Genect plans to continue its activities, passing the torch to junior students after the conclusion of Project B.

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