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Okinawa Week
This event has concluded.
Monday, June 27, 2016 - Friday, July 1, 2016
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
“Parade” 12:10 - 12:25 @Fountain *Postponed due to rain.
For our opening parade, we will perform an Okinawan pop music dance. We will also perfom "Kacha-shi-" which is a very easy traditional Okinawan dance. Please join us!
Grand Show 18:30 - (doors open 18:00)@Millennium Hall
Our Grandshow will feature traditional Okinawan dance as well as Eisa-, and Karate, which both originated in Okinawa. We will also have a Kachashi- Peformance. Feel free to join in, if you want.
6/27 - 7/1 14:15 - 17:40 @Cafeteria Triangle Area
Carving Shima zo-ri
There is very popular sandal called Shima zo-ri in Okinawa. In this event, you can carve your own original Shima zo-ri. Come jump on the Okinawa bandwagon!
Photo booth
In this booth, you can try on traditional Okinawan clothing. You can also take a photo with a part of the grandshow set.
6/27 - 7/1 Okinawa Food 10:35 - 20:00@Cafeteria Ethnic Food Corner
Okinawa soba
Okinawa soba is one of the most traditional dishes in Okinawa. It uses pork soup and a special noodle.
Ju-Shi- is special Okinawan rice. It is good to eat with Okinawa Soba.
Sata Andagi
Sa-ta-andagi- is a popular sweet in Okinawa.