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Japanese Week (until 1/24)
This event has concluded.
Monday, January 20, 2014 - Friday, January 24, 2014
09:00 - 17:00
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
“Shamisen session” 12:25~14:00 @ Cafeteria
Recital by a professional shamisen and a hands-on shamisen session.
“Turn up NIPPON !!! Student hall pop-culture event.” 18:10~ @ Student Hall(Student Union, 2F)
A dance and fashion show featuring pop culture performances.
“Tea Ceremony workshop” Second/Third period(10:35~14:00) @ Pacific Café (Student Union, 1F)
Experience the heart and soul of Japan with a Tea Ceremony.
No event planned
“Calligraphy workshop” 12:10~16:05 @ Pacific Cafe (Student Union, 1F)
This event hopes to provide international students with a chance to try traditional Japanese calligraphy.
“Mochi pounding”11:30~13:00 @ Cafeteria display booth
Try pounding mochi with an old-fashioned mortar and pestle and taste the result!
“Wadaiko opening performance” 12:25~12:25 @Fountain
“Grand Show: “Keiou Kairai: Respect the Past, Create the Future””18:30-20:30 (doors open 18:00) @ Millennium Hall
Come enjoy traditional taiko and dance performances. We have invited a professional kabuki dancer to join us.
NB: to be streamed live via Ustream.Please refer to the Japanese Week, Fall 2013
MJan 20th (Mon) to 24th (Fri)
Japanese Food: Lunch time only @ Cafeteria Ethnic Food Corner
Menu:Ehomaki, Oshiruko(sweet adzuki‐bean soup with rice cakes), Tempura
“Japan’s famous tourist sites and Japanese Games Booth”10:00-17:00 @Cafeteria Triangle Corner
Details: Stop by our display on Japan’s famous tourist sites.
Try your hand at traditional Japanese New Year’s games.(Kendama, otedama, karuta, hagoita, tops, playing cards, marbles, bamboo copter, Hyakunin Isshu (poem cards), daruma-otoshi )